Historical Events

Historical Events

  • 1200  The Incas rule 

  • 1538  Spain conquers Bolivia, which becomes part of the vice-royalty of Peru

  •  1545  Silver is discovered in the Cerro Rico mountain in Potosi and Spain uses indigenous and black slaves as workers.
  • 1561 Santa Cruz was founded by the Spaniard Nuflo de Chavez
  • 1810 Overthrow of the king of Spain by Napoleon

  • 1819 General Simon Bolivar defeats Bolivian royalist forces in the Battle of Boyaca on August 7 and the Republic of Colombia (also known as Gran Colombia) is proclaimed on December 17, consisting of Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador

  • 1825 Bolivia declared its independence from Peru liberated by Simon Bolivar, for whom the Bolivian nation was later named

  • 1907 Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid went to Bolivia where they were gunned down by Bolivian soldiers after robbing a mine

  • 1928 Oil was discovered in the foothills of the Andes at the western Bolivian region of the Chaco

  • 1932-1935 The Chaco War with Paraguay - ironically it was discovered that there was no oil after all

  • 1942 Victor Paz Estensorro founded the National Revolutionary Movement

  • 1952-1956 Victor Paz Estensorro founder of the National Revolutionary Movement served his first of four terms as Bolivian president

  • 1967 Che Guevara was executed while attempting to incite revolution in Bolivia

  • 1971-1978 Colonel Hugo Banzer Suarez ruled Bolivia as the military dictator

  • 1982-1985 Hernan Siles Zuazo (1913-1996) became Bolivian president again and restored democracy after 18 years of military rule

  • 2006 The first indigenous Bolivian president takes office in January promising radical changes using his socialist agenda.

1 comment:

  1. kewl. takk for share informati∑on. ahaha Poland best country
